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Abrysvo Vs Arexvy A Head To Head Comparison

Abrysvo vs Arexvy: A Head-to-Head Comparison


Abrysvo and Arexvy are two vaccines approved for adults ages 60 years and older to prevent Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) infection. Both vaccines have shown to be effective in reducing the risk of RSV-associated hospitalizations and severe illness.

Mechanism of Action

Abrysvo and Arexvy are both recombinant vaccines that contain a weakened form of the RSV virus. When vaccinated, the body's immune system recognizes the weakened virus and produces antibodies against it. These antibodies help protect against future RSV infections.


Abrysvo and Arexvy are both indicated for the prevention of RSV infection in adults ages 60 years and older.


Abrysvo and Arexvy have both received positive ratings from healthcare professionals and patients. In clinical trials, both vaccines were shown to be safe and effective in preventing RSV infection.


The cost of Abrysvo and Arexvy varies depending on insurance coverage and provider fees. However, both vaccines are typically covered by Medicare Part D plans.

Side Effects

The most common side effects of Abrysvo and Arexvy include injection site pain, redness, and swelling. Other possible side effects include headache, muscle aches, and fatigue.


Abrysvo and Arexvy should not be used in people who are allergic to any of the ingredients in the vaccines. They should also not be used in people who have a weakened immune system or who are taking immunosuppressant medications.


Abrysvo and Arexvy are both safe and effective vaccines for preventing RSV infection in adults ages 60 years and older. The choice of which vaccine to use depends on individual factors, such as cost, insurance coverage, and side effect profile.
