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Cabin Crew Salaries What To Expect


Cabin Crew Salaries: What to Expect

Salary Structure

The salary of a cabin crew member typically comprises three components: a fixed basic salary, an hourly pay for operated flights, and an overseas meal allowance.

Basic Salary and Per Diem

The average basic salary for junior cabin crew flying for major airlines is around £1,000 per month. They also receive a daily allowance for meals and expenses during overnight layovers.

Hourly Pay

Cabin crew members earn an hourly rate for each hour they spend operating a flight. This rate varies depending on the airline and experience level.

Average Earnings

According to industry reports, the average annual salary for cabin crew across a range of airlines is as follows: * Basic: £12,000 - £15,000 * Hourly pay: £10,000 - £15,000

Salary Distribution

The salary distribution for cabin crew shows a significant range: * The lowest 10% of earners receive an annual wage of £37,690 or less * The top 10% of earners achieve an average annual salary of £97,170


The salary of a cabin crew member can be a rewarding combination of fixed income and performance-based compensation. While the average earnings provide a comfortable living, the top earners within the profession enjoy substantial financial rewards. Cabin crew professionals who excel in their roles, embrace additional responsibilities, and demonstrate consistent dedication can aspire to attain the highest salary brackets in this dynamic industry.

